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A Male Boudoir Photographer?... What's That Like?

There’s one glaring difference between us and many other Boudoir studios… We have a male boudoir photographer. 

Say Hi Dave!

Dave and husky dog side-eyeing each other

Who is Dave?

Dave is a husband, a father, a photographer and a genuine guy (who has an endless supply of Dad jokes at the ready). 

Along with his beautiful wife and co-owner of Angel Eyes, Mel, they run this well oiled machine. Mel & Dave have been happily together since 1998 and even more happily married since 2004, with four lovely children. 

Mel and Dave selfie

A Male Boudoir Photographer?! Why?!

“Doing a boudoir shoot is daunting enough with female photographers, let alone with a guy!”

We hear you, and we get it. So let us tell you about why Dave is an honorary Angel Eyes Diva and how it helps differentiate our boudoir style from others. 

Mel & Dave have grown Angel Eyes from sports and family portraiture into the Boudoir behemoth it is today thanks to the genuine, kind and safe people they are. 

Dave is your biggest hype-man in your empowering photoshoot and understands the daunting task this may be; which is why we go out of our way to ease your doubts and worries and ensure you not only get amazing images, but also have a fantastic time. Within a few minutes yourself and everyone in the room will be cracking jokes and relaxing into the process in no time. 

He’s taken part in a boudoir shoot himself, so he knows what it’s like!

Dave boudoir photo

Having both Mel and Dave’s creative eyes influencing your images adds a beautiful allure to your images that is unique to our boudoir studio. 

Dave’s perspective through the lens, coupled with Mel’s perspective, gives you the best of both worlds. A feminine gaze to ensure luxury and air and a masculine gaze to give it an extra edge. 

A Word from the Man Himself

“Honestly, I don't shoot boudoir… I create empowering, confidence building portfolios through imagery. I've done so with sports portraiture and now boudoir.  No matter what genre I am shooting, my goal is the same. I want others to see how they look from a different perspective. Boudoir to me is about celebrating the woman you are today and expressing your personality and beauty. 

I want you to think of me as 'your photographer' and not 'some guy behind a camera'. 


In the lead up to your boudoir session or even if you're thinking about doing one, I encourage you to engage in conversation with me in our Facebook Group Angel Eyes Divas.”


Head on over to our Private VIP Facebook Group and you’ll see all of this for yourself.

Dave holding a camera

Yes, the idea of a man taking “sexy photos” of you can seem scary, but let’s phrase it this way… 

“Mel and Dave will be capturing empowering, confidence building images of you in a safe and friendly environment”

… That sounds much better, doesn’t it ;) 


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